Dream Big

Image Copyright: Thomas Kinkade

About a year ago my wife and I had a dream about what we wanted our future life and home looking like. When we discussed it with each other we found that they were similar in nature. Our dream consisted of living on 40 acres with a pond, lake, or river running through it so we can fish and enjoy the water. We also wanted to have a huge garden to grow our own food, with some to sell, along with chickens and sheep to breed and butcher for meat. Our house would be a 4 bedroom cottage or Tudor style home with a fireplace and solar panels. The above picture by Thomas Kinkade is a great example of what we are thinking of. We found a puzzle of this picture and we put it together and framed it so that we can look at our dream and goal everyday.

If I would have had this dream a few years ago I would have thought it as nothing more then just a dream. Even today that dream can at times seem far reaching. But when that thought comes to mind I just remind myself of what Jesus said.

"Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”"

- Matthew 19:26 NIV

The fact that we both had this dream before talking with each other shows me that this is from God. We just need to keep our trust in Him and follow the course knowing that it can take time to build up to this.

God Bless