The Deception All Around Us

This past weekend my wife and I watched Jim Staley’s “Truth or Tradition: Should Christians Celebrate Christmas and Easter” and it was eye opening. I didn’t know just how many idol symbols were around the world and within our very own churches.  Plus prior to watching this I knew that Jesus was actually born around the end of September/beginning of October. I also knew the evil and pagan roots behind Halloween, but I didn’t know that Valentines Day, Christmas, and Easter had these same evil roots and how badly Satan had deceived God’s people with our current holiday traditions. Yes I know that Easter is when churches celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection from the grave but isn’t this something that we should be celebrating, thanking Jesus for, and sharing with others all year round? Also I know that Christmas is when churches celebrate Jesus’ birthday but where in the Bible does it say we are to celebrate Jesus’ birthday? Plus, as Jim Staley said in his video, would your spouse appreciate you celebrating their birthday on the birthdate of your ex then on their actual date? This is what happens when we celebrate Jesus’ birthday on December 25th. When you look in the Bible there are only seven festivals that God commands His people to celebrate. Yes He gave these commandments to the Jews but Jesus celebrated them and so did the Apostles in the New Testament. If we are to live like Jesus did then we should celebrate these as Jesus did.

I recommend checking out Jim Staley’s video below. It will open your eyes to the deception that is all around us.

God Bless

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