Nahum 1:7

"Adonai is good, a stronghold in time of trouble; he takes care of those who take refuge in him."

- Nachum (Nahum) 1:7 CJB

This verse in Nahum was the “Verse of the Day” in the YouVersion Bible App yesterday. Looking at just this verse, it was something that I truly needed after a very rough day at work. It gave me hope knowing that I could trust in Adonai (The Lord) and He would take care of me no matter what came my way. I need to trust only that He has my best interests in mind, take refuge in Him, and follow His Laws.

Looking at the surrounding verses and the book of Nahum as a whole, it is about the destruction of Nineveh. I read in another place that these events take place a century after Jonah went to Nineveh telling them they were going to be destroyed because of their sin, then seeing them repent. They ended up going back to their old ways, so Adonai is going to destroy them. Nineveh is similar to the world today. In the past, our countries have turned to Adonai with repentance in our hearts only to present day have rebellion in our hearts. This verse is also a reminder to those of us who still take refuge in Adonai that He does see us and He will take care of us. We don’t know exactly how that will happen, and it will be different for each person. Just trust in Him and follow His Laws, and He will take care of you.


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