
This past Friday night my boys and I went to see Dude Perfect’s show at the Excel Energy Center. If you don’t know who Dude Perfect is you can check out their website or their YouTube channel. In a nutshell they are five friends who started out doing trick shots and have added several other things to their videos over time. Though I don’t watch them all the time like my boys I have seen several of their videos, I personally root for Garrett when they do battles, and I thought it was cool to see a few of their different segments in person. One segment I really enjoyed was their “Cool Not Cool” segment, seen below, where they let the audience vote on whether they thought an item was cool or not cool.

Dude Perfect At Excel Energy Center

I do have to say though that the part I liked the most was at the very end when Ty had some final words. He said that they may be called Dude Perfect but they are anything but perfect. They do know though that Jesus loves them no matter what, like the younger son in Jesus’ prodigal son parable (Luke 15:11-24), and He loves us too and wants us to give our hearts to Him and come to Him no matter what we have done. Unfortunately most celebrities today push for having to have certain looks or abilities in order to be perfect or popular. To hear Ty tell a younger audience that they are loved no matter what is big.

It’s also brave for him and the other guys to publicly say they are Christians. Sadly today most people are about themselves and if someone famous gives a hint that they believe in Jesus they get ridiculed by others. Though I know that God blesses those who stand up for Him, it can be hard and can bring many trials to do so as the world around us is more about themselves than Someone Who is greater. I pray that we all can have the courage that the Dude Perfect guys have and share with everyone our faith. Also I pray that people can know that none of us will ever be “perfect” but that’s OK because Jesus loves us just as we are. He wants us to come to Him willing to be in His presence and share His love with everyone around us.

God Bless